Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Punch in
punch out the freak
that glares from a dark niche
crimson canines bared tongue trickling  

morose fat toad
bluster soaked dripping cad
is quite mad drops now from rafter 
crawls on

Crawls on
past old paint flakes
reflecting on  dinner
in the old clapboard haunted house

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I stuffed them all down
like a good little girl
urged to swallow her medicine.

Raw red meat
in a
black and white

Tender tongues 
twisted and ripped-out
like an old rubber band.

As their groans
splashed crimson
across my

distracted by my next meal
as a  mad ghoul
lunges past me,  down this dark corridor.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


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Parkia Timoriana- Fabaceae-Pea Family

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I’m moving on
the old boundaries of
I do not do that
I don’t think I can
I’m too old and
I’m afraid.

I’m plotting a new course
steering clear of old distractions
three steps forward
two back
taking the time
to listen and learn.

Pressing on because I MUST
and sidetracked
I hunger for what is comfortable
choosing safety
quelling my passion.

AND yet, I thirst
to make a difference
to leave my mark
to plant a seed, my seed
in the wild weed-ridden
misconstrued fields.
Hoping to turn wildflowers
into diamond pink petals and
lavender lined gardens
into a redolent harvest
of hybrid teas.

My arms open
willing to absorb the risk
stir in a bit of pain, discomfort.
I step up
into judgment
reaching out past the wise ones
the kupuna who have led me up to this place
the highest, most precious peaks
in the shadow of the Koolau
spreading their velvet-green robes
my self-imposed
self-absorbed limits
crowning present possibilities
seated upon this
pivotal throne.

Friday, October 14, 2011


about the day
when I am a superstar
can only take me so far
and then what?

Will I magically transform
into a superhuman being
save lives
rewire the cosmic hard drive?
How will it change our universe
suck up
expand in a meaningful way?
and to whom
and for what purpose?

Does anyone REALLY know
and see the BIG picture?
There are literally thousands of theories
bombarding us everyday
all around us
it’s amazing
that we
can HEAR
at all.
Anything viable that is
over the concussion
Medical bills
Drug addict superstars
ENABLING doctors
Food borne illnesses
Egos of giant corporations
selling us one last pull
on the MEGA BUCK machine.

Now concentrate
stay with me
This is it!
Don’t waste it
you can almost taste it
on the tip of your tongue
and then…
it’ll be gone.

In the meantime you'll pick yourself up
dust yourself off
and continue to play this amazing game of pretend.
And wait for it...there’s a Barker
with a GIANT MEGAPHONE...directing you to step this way!
let’s pretend
EVERYTHING will all work out
that all of this chaos
is insignificant
and our distant relatives
or GODS if you prefer
from heaven
are just a little late
to pick us up
for our continuing trip
on the way
to our NEW HOME
where everything is
waiting for us
a paradise of epic proportions
and everybody you ever knew
is waiting there for you
to fill you in 
on what you’ve been missing
and they are so glad you came and
the only thing you are sorry about
is that it took you so long to die.

Then they take you
to feed the machine
you know the human eater
that shiny metal object over there
with the teeth.
Yeah—the one with your name on it.
But don’t WORRY
because you won’t feel a thing
because you are already DEAD
NOPE—won’t hurt a bit
Then… you can eat all that ice-cream
and all the artery clogging shit
you’ve ever wanted
but couldn’t have
because of stupid things like high cholesterol
and heart disease.
You know…
because --like
you won’t have a heart anymore.
NOPE…you won’t have a heart
a body
You’ll just be a transparent
ground-up form
floating around in the ether
and shucks
I really hate to burst your bubble
but you know that safe ice-cream
that I was telling you about?
Well that shit ain’t real either
But it… Bitch--SLAP
sure was one
hell of RIDE
wasn’t it?

Sunrise 10-13-11

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Copy this
down but only
take credit for
what is yours
something I heard
repeatedly in school.

 Stick it
don’t pick it
on the wall
from the ground
where the moon don’t shine.

Paste your words
and your turds
on a visible sheet
separate the wheat
from the chaff
and laugh
don’t frown
lift your chins
stretch your neck
because heck
it just ain’t
pretty anymore.

don’t tire
or get stuck
in the quagmire
of   forlorn
and unglued.

don’t faint
from that beer
or good cheer
staring at the belly
of jelly
in the bottom
of your glass
fat bass.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Difference is ME

The difference is ME
not some world
that you hang on a chain
your neck
stiffly smiles

Friday, October 7, 2011

Don't Suck-- Spit

You know the spiel.
Get inspired
Write about something that moves you
Paint using vivid images
And if you can’t
at least have the good sense
to make it short.
Sell it
Show some cleavage
Leave them wanting more
And If you are lucky enough and talented enough to get noticed
go to the awards ceremony, celebrate
But don’t let it get to your head
Stay humble
afterwards go home and
write something else.
Stick with what you know
stick with what works.

Scratch that,
It really doesn’t matter
what subject you choose
it isn’t even the style you use
all that really matters is if
anyone else cares
or can relate to your
drivel, I mean
take spit for instance.
Yeah—you heard me….SALIVA.

Now let’s show what would happen
 if I spit on the sidewalk…
Or—if you’d rather go first
I’ll wait.

it wouldn’t be as interesting though
as if I spit in your face
now would it?

I mean
think about it
what  could you create with spit
maybe take a stick
a little paint
some canvas
an old T-shirt
It might translate into something unique
It might even parade around as ART
and pretty soon EVERYBODY
would have to have it
and it might even come in different textures
and tongues—LONG WINDED ONES
AND before you know it
there would be a MOVEMENT
And people could follow your BRAND

and you could get a Twitter button

It would be so COOL and like
maybe the Kardashian’s would
design some spit fashions
for Sears
and well
the rest...
is still unwritten.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just This

Love means
I’ll help you pack
then prepare your dinner
but stress me out and I will eat
your young.

Red Dawn

The sun winks red-faced
on its upward climb
chased by sultry hounds
slobbering wet kisses
drenching the cracked brown earth
snaking a path to the sea.

Two dendrobiums snatched
by teething pair

The culprits
soon jailed
by a critical gust
curling hot on their
red heels.


Perky banks minutes
pens animated haiku
time for pedicure.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pregnant with Possibility

Mother Earth 
orbits the Sun
pregnant with the seed of life.
Papa Moon glows
rocking the vast oceans 
flexing his muscles
at the growing
he has considered 
since the ancient of days
in this vast playpen growing, multi-hued and
littered with the debris of self absorbed toddlers.

Time passes filling the void

pressing against the outer limits
stretching, kicking, gurgling and cooing
Until...Uncle-- Papa cries, finally
shaking his head
fixed on  a yellow star
as it transforms into a red dwarf and explodes 
ripping a black hole
into the silk wall 
silhouetting space time 
inhaling all, including Mama and her afterbirth 
extruding still, new dimensions
on an infinite cycle 
alive with possibility.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Love in the Time of Compost

Love allows that even a clothes horse 
can have an off day
and knows when to put the blinders on.

Love bows at the sacrificial altar
of burnt beyond recognition
with a branded tongue.

Love relaxes with the Kama Sutra
inhaling a strawberry soufflé
sensually whipped.

Love lets you have first dibs
on the massage chair
kneading and pummeling your
way to RELIEF---
then hands you a post hole digger
to plant a 3' tree.

Koolau Vew

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Coconut Palm

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My Memoir

I feel something impossibly small
that might be pain

as I slide a piece of paper
under everything
my mother said.
*from Curses and Wishes by Carl Adamschick—Winner of the 2010 Walt Whitman Award

My Memoir
offers no salve
only a shrug
and logic.

Everything hangs
the dawn.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amazon Cloud

Just think
a cloud in cyberspace
pink and fluffy
no storms
no lightning
no rain
just white wispy platforms
floating in a blue field.

And you are tiny—and SKINNY
safely spinning round
smiling and laughing
and dancing to
the syncopated
do wop day glow
of a Bali autumn night.

Diddly bop
Scooby dooby doo
scaz fraz, raz ma taz and you are caught-up
in a time warp
where everyone is young
and a half dozen orthopedic shoes
swing on a clothesline along with
black and white oxfords
and toe shoes

Daddle waddle ding dong
shoo-do-doo- woosh wow whee,
bam-bub-bee, zoosk zoos-zingin
And now you are in Macchu Picchu
twisting with Chubby Checker
and you get it—you’re connected to the source.

Blaze a blingin
tootin and scootin
without a care
tripping lightly
down the stair
with long flaxen hair
flawless skin
and your butt, hips and thighs
make grown men drool
cause your flying without a license
fresh out of school
you are so cool
and SOOO flexible.

Then you sneeze
and break the spell
and you are back
but for a few syncopated moments
you were at the center of the cosmos.

A universe unto yourself and
it was HEAVEN
and Life is Like That
when your head is in a cloud
and you’re wearing rose colored reading glasses
and earphones with a mic.

Can you hear me now?
Shimmy shimmy
bing bang bong.
Crank it up, Babe
I can still hear myself

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


that you toss 
the could have had
avoid all the should have’s
not matter what the price don’t make 
a fuss.

It glares through your eyes
and into your brain
cheering you on
discouraging you from 
drawing undue attention to it 
or making waves.
It is a coward
droning its mantra
into your ear 
until you believe 
uniting with others who feel as you do
accepting it as fact
distrusting your basic instincts
no longer seeking help
or listening to reason.

you into acceptance and apathy
It will have you 
acknowledging that it is selfless
seducing you for your own good
insisting that you follow its lead
persuading finally 
that you come quietly
and not argue.
Altering forever
what would have been
into what must be.

**Inspired by Happy Family—a film at the Italian Film Festival in Honolulu.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Quiet Life—Una Vita Tranquilla

A Quiet Life
tortures  you
in unexpected ways
It leads you on
like a hot babe
with her long legs
around your mid-section
pulling you into her
and just when you think
you can’t take any more
she slices your thumb off
and lets you run around in circles
howling WHY did you do that
WHY couldn’t you just LEAVE ME ALONE?
I’ve been good!
I’ve been good for fifteen years
I’ve started a new life
a new family
why couldn’t you
just leave me alone?
And she replies…

** This movie is at the Italian Film Festival.
The story of a good family gone wrong. A man escapes to Germany and starts a new family thinking he will finally enjoy a quiet life. He is wrong.

Friday, September 23, 2011

18 Years Later

not speaking
for 18 years,
a lifetime wasted
on misunderstanding
missed opportunity and
fate.  Reunited finally
by driving their father’s Morgan car
to Calabria to spread his remains.  


**  I went to the Italian Film Festival yesterday and saw this comedy—18 Years Later was very good and extremely funny.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dryer Woes

My dryer's vent
came through 
the colonoscopy okay
she was wide awake and talking
for the whole operation.
No drugs were used 
or animals
during this procedure.

We had to go in and
surgically remove
several large polyps
with a rather long, hooded
sans camera. 

Dr. D. is a genius.

She had been feeling
sluggish of late
complaining of
and irritable bowel syndrome
couldn’t dry any
jeans past the damp stage.

After the operation
she was able to sit up 
and we are happy to report
although she did experience 
some lint laden hiccups
she did finally facilitate a 
dryer event.

Poor dear
she’s relaxing comfortably
for the moment,
she doesn’t know yet
about the follow-up surgery
scheduled for next year. 
She’s been spewing non-stop 
hot about 
hooking up
with a young energy saver
with tight abs.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


like it was your last
edgy poem.

Have them hanging
for that morsel
that one
that single
tiny nugget
that is pure gold.
And command
their silence.

Make them stand at attention
click their heels
proving yet again
that you are much more
than sexy sizzling hot
much more
than a High School diploma
and a middle aged grandmother. Much more than a
bank of knowledge
to borrow or
withdraw from.

and then…
into the horizon
make them think it was a dream
like a brilliant autumn leaf carried away
by the breeze
colorful and rustling
sprawling splendidly
in the gifted forest
by a doe
in the dark.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Golf Rant

Golf makes me ponder
life’s eternal mysteries
and scratch my head
how hard can it be
to hit a stationary object
from a stationary position
with the sun shining in your eyes
three hundred and fifty yards from a four-inch hole?

Did I mention
that you have to swing with
your inferior hand and arm
not the one you are used to using 
the arm and hand that has a mind of its own
that would bitch slap you if it could
and who is the jackass who invented this game anyway?

I mean, whose idea it was
to sink a white-dimpled ball into a four-inch hole
in FOUR strokes or less
two of those strokes being putts?

Putting is a key component of mastering the game
because that hole
is getting smaller as we speak
and don’t tell anyone this
but I saw the hole move
to the right 
on more than one occasion
and it’s always after I make my putt
And No, I wasn’t drinking!

This makes me think
that you have to be either manic 
or a serious alcoholic
to keep up 
with moving holes, undulating greens, and passing cloud bursts
because on the off chance 
that you aren’t either of those
you would have to 
spend every spare moment
or LIVE ON the Golf Course
and we all know that people who live on golf courses
don’t play golf
because those little white balls
crash through their windows
from time to time 
annoying the family pet
who has more pressing things on his mind
like how to get out of the weekly
grooming appointment
because darling Mr. Pepper
doesn’t do Frufuu
and he ain’t wearing
No Stinkin Pink Bows!

So that wayward golf ball 
crashing through the window
could set this stressed-out canine off
resulting in some pretty nasty repercussions
like rapid-fire barking and
confiscating said golf ball 
producing a domino effect
witnessed by other stressed out golfers 
intent on hitting
their stationary ball
now distracted
and missing their shot
aiming instead at 
the aforementioned poodle
with the pink bow
who has a white golf ball
in his mouth
and won’t let the said player
have it back 
who in turn
won’t let anyone else play through.

Now have I mentioned 
that the rules state 
to play the ball as it lies
or take a two-stroke penalty?

I mean, have you heard of anything dumber
then playing a game where
you are expected to penalize yourself
AND be honest about it?

I’ll give you a minute to think about it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Beavers Spotted on the I-70

Trucker lingo
confirms a Big 10-4
eyeballs a carload of beavers

CB Radio--Truckers way of communicating--popular in 70-80's
Big 10-4- totally agree

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It occurs to me That I require an ideal To summit these peaks. Something more than a patch. My tenacity shouts above my perception Shooting ...