Dreaming about the day when I am a superstar can only take me so far and then what? Will I magically transform into a superhuman being save lives inspire rewire the cosmic hard drive? How will it change our universe reflect refract belch suck up expand in a meaningful way? and to whom and for what purpose? Does anyone REALLY know and see the BIG picture?
There are literally thousands of theories bombarding us everyday electrons protons atoms smashing splitting all around us it’s amazing that we can HEAR decipher anything at all. Anything viable that is over the concussion percussion discussion Maalox Taxes Medical bills Unemployment Drug addict superstars ENABLING doctors Food borne illnesses Egos of giant corporations selling us one last pull on the MEGA BUCK machine. Now concentrate stay with me This is it! Don’t waste it you can almost taste it on the tip of your tongue and then… it’ll be gone. In the meantime you'll pick yourself up dust yourself off and continue to play this amazing game of pretend. And wait for it...there’s a Barker with a GIANT MEGAPHONE...directing you to step this way!
Okay--class let’s pretend EVERYTHING will all work out that all of this chaos is insignificant and our distant relatives or GODS if you prefer from heaven are just a little late to pick us up for our continuing trip on the way to our NEW HOME where everything is waiting for us pristine a paradise of epic proportions and everybody you ever knew is waiting there for you to fill you in
on what you’ve been missing and they are so glad you came and the only thing you are sorry about is that it took you so long to die. Then they take you to feed the machine you know the human eater that shiny metal object over there with the teeth. Yeah—the one with your name on it. But don’t WORRY because you won’t feel a thing because you are already DEAD NOPE—won’t hurt a bit AND THEN… Then… you can eat all that ice-cream and all the artery clogging shit you’ve ever wanted but couldn’t have because of stupid things like high cholesterol and heart disease. You know… because --like you won’t have a heart anymore. NOPE…you won’t have a heart a body limbs Or a BRAIN.
You’ll just be a transparent ground-up form floating around in the ether and shucks I really hate to burst your bubble but you know that safe ice-cream that I was telling you about? Well that shit ain’t real either But it… Bitch--SLAP sure was one hell of RIDE wasn’t it?