Thursday, February 7, 2013

How To Promote Your Book ANYWHERE

SO you've got a WINNING Title and subtitle for your book, what’s next?
(YOU'RE NOT SURE? Read next week’s post to find out the formula)

How To Promote Your Book 

On Amazon

1.   Ensure you are categorized in super niche categories. (Where is your target audience?)

2 .   Conduct your Amazon “Book Buying” campaign during a 24-48 hour period.   (Pre-market your book)


 (other bloggers in your network, including community leaders, people with lists and tribes, that will HELP YOU promote your book.)

4     Organize bulk book purchases from associations and professional organizations.

5     Utilize Amazon TOOLS: Amazon Create Space, Author Central, Author’s Rank, and Kindle.

To See MORE: "Bestseller in a Weekend"

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Hound Dog

I’ll never forget that snowy winter morning when I was ten. At seven a.m.,  it was still dark, and frosty outside, my Dad would crack the upstairs hall window and stand there smoking his Kent cigarette staring into the blackness, waiting for the dawn.

His deep, throaty Guten Morgen Cornelia, exhale matched mine as I echoed my answer,
Morning Dad, close that window, its freezing I can see my breath!!  Mom tell him to close the window, we are ALL going to get sick!

KURT, Connie, Angie come look; Mom screeched from the Kitchen; I just saw the hound dog!

I beat them into the kitchen  as Mom continued to wave towards the window, as her eyes grew wider. She was so excited, I thought she would burst.

What, I countered?

The Hound Dog, the HOUND DOG!

Okay Mom, back up. What hound dog? The neighbor’s dog? What dog?
She shook her head emphatically and said
The Hound DOG has no shadow! 
That means Spring is coming early this year.


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