Showing posts with label #rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #rainbow. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hawaiian Time

climbs the Stairway to Heaven
taking in the view
finding plenty time fo breathe, cuz!

Hawaiian time
leaves Honolulu
on a late plane
to New York
it will arrive bumbai.

New York time
is waiting
on Hawaiian time
and promises
to chill
in due time.

New York time
thinks Hawaiian time
has two speeds
slow and stop.

New York time takes
a long minute
to change its
mind about
Hawaiian time
but Hawaiian time
doesn’t care
it expects New York time
will catch up bumbai.

Bumbai: otherwise; or else; later; later on

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ko'olau Tears

Volcanic cliffs emerge from the mist
lush slopes
a sow with her squeakers
under a thick emerald canopy.

Tropical tears

pelt the 'aina
vine-laden limbs
spilling into streams of sticky sap
fields of yellow fruit.

Breathing new life into
the wrinkled pores
of the ancient banyan
as the Kolea wade through muddy puddles.

The goddess invoking the mana cleansing remains
cutting offensive passages,
conjuring a rainbow.

I am home.


"In Polynesian culture, mana is a spiritual quality considered to have supernatural origin—a sacred impersonal force existing in the universe. Therefore, to have mana is to have influence and authority, and efficacy—the power to perform in a given situation."

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