Tuesday, November 2, 2010


***A synopsis of “Outliers” –The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell


penetrates your psyche
with its high IQ
eliminates the bull
propels you past Jupiter
you know
and believe.

who you are
when you were born
where you live
how smart you are
why you succeeded
when others failed
the innate qualities
that reside within all of us
and then dares you to
exceed your

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jazz Raz Ma Taz-Suki Sue and Slicky Dicky

Rat atat tum

slicky dicky come
clicking down the street
two hot bodies meet
snappy tappy dance
dark side dey prance
yolk running white
slinky slapping dyke

who gonna say

who gotta pay

rubber lips dey smack
boozer heart she whack
wet on yer nickel
jerk, jack be fickle
jazz raz ma taz
Suki Sue pizazz.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010



weaves its fibers deep.

It watches
as you begin to falter
ready to pounce like a cat.
It scratches deep
leaves scars
that itch
a reminder of
the hold that it has.

You the hostage
it the toxin
your body craves.
It the venom
you lust after.

It the alien
tearing into your flesh
inserting a
humming metal diode
plugged in to your
nervous system
frequency ready.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


All Hallows Eve draws near
Lining up the livestock for slaughter for winter stores was
Linked to the ancient festival of Samhain. A time when
Otherworld borders were thin allowing both spirits good and evil in.
Warded off by guising on this
Elemental Autumn
Evening to celebrate the Celtic
New Year.


To initiate positive change
Elect your candidate today

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paul the Octopus

World Cup guesser dies
Paul the famous octopus
leaves aquarium.

From The Australian:"The world's most famous octopus, the underwater Nostradamus, the eight-armed cephalopod prophet of the football pitch, has died in his German aquarium.
The good news, foul play is not suspected."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Am I Crazy OR E.T.--Phone Home!

Am I crazy?

I have this feeling

I can’t seem to shake today

Maybe it’s because my bulova watch

didn’t come back. Only the parts

I needed, a new crystal and a battery

plus shipping.

I’m waiting for

Rod Serling

to call me

or Scotty to beam me up.

Captain there seems to be

a problem with the transporter


Kind of like Mr. Spock

playing chess

with a single

cell amoeba.

Meanwhile the Klingons

would be coughing up

greenish red snot tearing up

from laughing so hard.

Vowing like the terminator

to soon be back

before they

warped, factor 7 to the next galaxy

where the takeover would at least be a challenge for their intellect.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


won’t apologize
and flashes hot before your eyes.

Doesn’t ask permission
or advice
will do as it pleases
flirts and
then strip teases
leaving you broke
red in the face
without remorse, a sore disgrace.

Wham bam
bleeds in the pan
surrenders juice
from the vine
to unwind
on the sand
getting tanned
wraps your wrist
in a twist
trails cut glass
sub atomic mass
finger pricks
smacking lips
autumn leaves
scarlet weaves
crimson blush
Cardinal crush.

Klepto Mom

Mom is a kleptomaniac.
She steals shiny baubles
from the jewelry counter at Sears.

She can’t afford
a gardener
but has plenty of
different colored handbags
to match every outfit.
She doesn’t do yard work.
Instead of roses and tulips
her yard
has weeds and poison ivy
Taking things is her way of
coping with
Especially now that they‘re saying
he’s got that old-timers disease.

So Sis, watch her
the next time we go shopping
just don’t tell her you know.

Solo in G Minor

Shama pierces silence, plays flutelike composition.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Obama Talks

Madame Tussaud's
Obama says SURE!
Suggests new referendum
sways local author.

Madame Tussaud’s—who do you want to meet?

Letters to a Prisoner

Prisoner letters
a mother cries out to world
Meth—not even once!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cirque du Soleil—Love

Cirque du Soleil—Love
is a kaleidoscope
wrapping the senses.

It's peace and love, warm and fuzzy
Beatles music
reminding me of the musical genius
of John Lennon whose life was cruelly extinguished
outside his New York City apartment by a
monster with a gun.

A monster whose wife I met at church in
Hawaii, a devout unassuming woman. Still going
to work each day,
still alone.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leaving On a Jet Plane

I’m leeea--ving on-- a jet plane

Do know-- when I’ll---- be back a—gain!

It’s the part in the middle
I’m not too sure about
It should be fun—funner, more fun
than anyone should have!
Three Cirque du Soleil Shows, comedy
and a plethora of female nude art
using color, subdued light and geometry.

picture taking
people watching, sitting by the pool
slurping sodas, slapping sunscreen
on, shoveling through the desert
with a big spoon, going back for seconds
and then walking it off. Staying up way past

my bedtime far into the neon night
watching the stars line up
that the magic roll of the dice
will levitate and rip through
the crack in the facade.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On Speeches

A brilliant three minute speech
reigns in the right hemisphere
of my brain. Or is it
the left? No matter
it plans to move to the
correct corner soon.

It promised.

In the meantime
I wait like
a hopeful puppy
with a pink ball
tossing ideas at the wall
hoping they bounce and snap back
so that I can shine
for a few moments
in the light of acceptance
before the gray balding
man in the back
goes home to daydream
about poetry
comes up with
a tantalizing verse of his own
and shares it
with the world.

Journey to the Center of the Earth 2

Movie set takes priority at Heeia Kea Boat Harbor.

No parking for anyone at anytime
between Ocotber 14th thru November 2nd.

Fisherman, Tour Boat Operators, Tourists,
left to flounder like a pod of
beached whales on a deserted isle.

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The Dark Path Brightens

It occurs to me That I require an ideal To summit these peaks. Something more than a patch. My tenacity shouts above my perception Shooting ...