Saturday, January 9, 2010

50's Milestone Shorts

Poem a Day
charge’s brain’s battery.

50’s boomer hikes
Diamond Head trail.

Still trying to
learn new things.

Changing with times
sparks stimulus package.

50’s best life
is staying green.

50’s quiet reflection
six word memoirs.

Golf at 50
sinks two putts.

50’s golf swing
flies the distance.

Book smart babe
writes poetry books.

50’s life story
roams evocative lane.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time well spent

Time well spent
is a man
sowing seeds
in rich loam
watering and feeding diligently
day after day
repeating the process
until finally
he eats the reward.

is a good book
in pursuit
of personal growth
that gives up its seat
on the train
of popular thought.

is a belief
on the road
that passes

is time
with family
their minds connected
to the same antenna.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Kona winds

scatter lightweight objects
to four converse corners.

A tiresome
to piece together.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The oldest child
breaks through barriers.

The middle kid
sports steel determination.

Sisters exchange secrets
friends share information.

Siblings have rivalry
friends craft alliance.

The youngest one
never grows old.

Sisters for life
family still rules.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Great Dane's Report on New Year’s Eve in Hawaii

I would be the first to piss on all of them
and all their explosives.
I would make sure to tinkle on all of their matches
not a single aerial or even a piece of obnoxious red paper
would remain dry.
This colossal stain would wreak a reminder that
these islands are shared by all.
Then I would jump on every marauder
and knock them down, cut their height in
half or eighths if need be.
Their point of view altered like that of an errant child
left out after dark without supervision,
forced to see from a new angle.
I would then bark a loud critique about the ramifications
of deafness inflicted on beings of a lesser god.
Crazed by their ignorance, I might resort to
property damage leaving traces of my angst as a
sign to future canine, inciting them to rethink the
outdated notion of a man’s best friend.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years Eve Folly

my favorite time of day
a time
where stillness reigns.
No firecrackers, no rockets,
or pinwheel brilliant bursts.
The party people have retreated
gone back into their caves to rest
and stock up on ammunition.
Thousands of firecrackers still silent are strung across
countless streets hanging from makeshift
welded metal and boards, haphazardly constructed
by retired policemen and accountants
who later rush to Longs to purchase last minute fire starters
and sparklers to light that first strand.
Then the smoke will come
inundating the asthmatics
forcing them to retreat into
theaters to watch the latest
release on high definition screens
with Dolby enhanced sound
drowning out the noise of the celebration.
The endless cacophony of doom forced
upon us by the revelers intent on blowing up
their small portion of the island.
An island strategically located in the
Pacific Ocean sheltering for the moment
a President and his family,
who sit on the sidelines
and pay to observe.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year’s Eve-Ku

Twilight detonates,
mountainous red paper ash
congregates at curb.

Bombs pierce air space
hunting in reckless pursuit,
for a vacant sky.

Canines claw through screens
in an agitated state
howl at their owners.

New Year’s fireworks
doped up dogs circle back yard
glazed eyes reflect fear.

New Year’s rockets breach,
Hawaiian aloha spirit
discards scarred excess.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hawaiian Snow

Wet slanted downpour
liquid snow in the tropics
Hawaiian Christmas.

Navy boat leaves dock
family goes whale watching
see mother and calf.

Cruising to Sandbar
sunshine slices sandbank on
isolated beach

Tide swiftly recedes
undercurrent traces lines
to lost horizon.

Tribe claims Sand Island
later wolfs down special pork
red sauce formula.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hawaiian Santa

You grab the spirit
I’ll buy the lei
and we’ll wiki wiki
and meet Santa’s sleigh.
Santa’s gonna love
the warm and sunny weather
cruising in red board shorts and
aloha shirt together.

and texting
his blackberry
eating juicy
the sweet sap
making wide trails
down past his chin
pooling on his belly
yellowing his skin.

Chubby toes sinking
into fine sand deep, amid
boogey board surfers
tanned and fast asleep.
Checking his list
for naughty and nice.
Santa’s little helpers
reeking old spice.

This jolly old elf
makes the season bright
Ho ho ho
Santa’s stylin tonight
in a shiny red sleigh with
eight dolphin on his tether
he’s cruising in the ocean
no matter what the weather.
And I heard him exclaim as he rode
out of sight
Mele Kalikimaka,
I’ll be in Fiji tonight.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hawaii Kai Boat Parade-Cherita

Mickey escorted Minnie in the Xmas Boat Parade

cruising in a channel of overcast and rain. As diners ate
their burgers with football as their game.

Perhaps the stormy weather kept many locked home tight
but with my golf umbrellas we watched
somewhat dry that night.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mele Kalikimaka 2009

What a Great Year!

Three poems are published in 2009 issue
of Rain Bird-W.C.C.’s literary journal- 2nd year in a row

Nine members of my family
come to Hawaii for two weeks in April-
I love you guys!!

I read my poems at a local Pen Women Luncheon in May
I have lunch with Dallas, a good friend visiting Oahu from Vancouver Island
I self publish Meadow Pause and Boogey Fever
"Toad Festival" wins second place in the IBPC - A national poetry competition
‘Ilima and I go to Volcano on the Big Isle for a Writing Workshop in September

Three more poems accepted for publication in 2010 Rain Bird- 3rd year in a row

I win third low net in “A” flight
at a Women’s 36 Hole stroke play Championship at Hickam
I win third gross in my flight at Hawaii Kai Championship
My handicap goes down from 32.0 to 27.2.
15 members of Ft. Shafter Ladies golf group come to my house for a Xmas party
As of Dec. 4th I have written a poem a day for six months straight.
I resign my position as Treasurer from two golf groups.

Jason spends Thanksgiving and Christmas at home with us
Bruno and Zeus are six years old this Christmas
Tom has been working out and running and looks amazing!!
We have a real 7 foot Christmas tree this year—love the scent of fresh pine!!
We are all healthy and happy and are looking forward to the coming year- with maybe some trips on the horizon? We’ll be sure to let you know!

Aloha from Hawaii

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Aphorisms

Fresh pine scent
captures holiday spirit.

Santa’s little helpers
burn clean fuel.

Christmas cheer expires
on December 26th.

Cards and letters
rekindle old friendships.

Stores build sales
customers erect bills.

Charity brings forth
a financial statement.

Scrooge gets deported
to Christmas past.

Good spirits make
for strange bedfellows.

Bring two cups
of Christmas cheer.

Recession proof Christmas
keep old traditions.

Grandchildren grow older
cash only please.

Grandpa relates teens
with monthly installments.

Church’s for sinners
flood the Earth.

Sing Christmas carols
share diverse cultures.

Friday, December 4, 2009


the mist rising
in the morning,
from green fairways
covered with fresh dew.
A flock of black Iwa birds
circling over a pond
with purple and pink lily pads,
beneath a blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds,
while gentle trade winds
provide a welcoming breeze,
fanning my skin
heated by my enthusiasm.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pardon Me

Tom Turkey is slated
for execution at midnight.
They are heating up the oven as we speak.
His dream team was up all night.
They are trying to reach
the President, but so far
not a wishbone of luck.
The priest, Father Killjoy
was summoned
asked poor Tom if he
had any last words.
Apparently the people from Butterball
are evil vultures.
He is so stressed out, he couldn’t even muster a gobble.
Now his Hen is beside herself.
It seems that
his suit
is full of holes,
and she has no bread left
to stuff it with.
Trussed up like he is
I’m afraid he is
on his last leg.
At the eleventh hour
he is sweating pullets.

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