Showing posts with label #poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Basic Maneuvers

Night falls.
The air is sticky
infused with white Gardenia, pungent Stephanotis.
A fountain sprays into a Koi pond, echoing across the valley.
In the distance houses hum, windows glow
as families settle into their nightly routine.

At the appointed hour
a poisonous toad Army advances
each to their predetermined post.
Thousands hop down roads, linger beneath street lamps
some are sacrificed
beneath a passing automobile tire.

Others silently lurk inside the hollow of a palm
hundreds more beneath the bug light by the well
their hungry eyes focused, tongues trigger ready.
Toad commanders direct their approval at the snap and the sizzle
of the Formosan termite swarm drawn to the light,
the Army peering skyward as roasted bodies free-fall, unfettered wings
drift aimlessly down around them.

The kamikaze swarm
continue to buzz the light in reckless abandon.
A few forestall their dinner dates
by crawling behind downspouts and into rocky crevices
while a scout is randomly brushed
by the feet of a foreign genus
rushing inside to escape the carnage,
the rank and lusty feeding
of the hoard.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Super Moon

My fur also rises

I shiver under her power
and shake resolute.

Resolute and insatiable.

As shifting tides,
yield to a Super Moon
bathing unabashed
in a hammerhead bay in the Pacific.

Sister Moon placid,
as she slices through blackout curtains.

Until I witness her spirit here in the Northeast.

I am a wild thing
and she is a flirt.

As she straddles
cool peaks and crags
and I find myself drawn
to her again.

As I howl at her blood-red form
gulp down the afterglow above.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Wonderland- A Look Back

Alice remembered
when reason 
wouldn’t stop her
from escaping
into the cold black night.
Far from
should have
and know better
because those pricks
still loved to spoil her fun.

They often trailed behind 
there would be hell to pay
for this, that and the other.

Prompting her to
run even farther
and resolve
that this time
she’d make it
to someplace better.

© Connie DeDona 11-7-14

Thursday, July 24, 2014


The road
bulges gray, cynical and dusty.
Spent by sugary
cake eating denizens
spreading the good news.
By archaic beliefs
pious cloth.
(Remember to wash before wearing.)
By hell-fire fans
down at the local Dollar store
derelict pennies
who  roar once more
over the obsolete
Five and Dime.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

National Poetry Month Day 21

My poem is featured today!!!

Sweet Persephone

Like Persephone,   I wait
for Spring,     to burst.
Can one exchange   one’s cloth,
or clay heart
rewind to,       once was
get a do over
stop falling.

Art of the Week Day 4 "Green Room"

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Starting with Right

“Start with what is right, rather than what is acceptable.”~Franz Kafka

Starting with Right

It was the right door
spinning in the wrong direction
right to help
wrong to take advantage
right to give
wrong to take too much
right to love
wrong to give up everything
right to take a risk
wrong to die for a craving
right to live in peace
wrong to take a hostage
it was the right sacrifice
the wrong life.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter with Family

Easter with Family

We are gathered here this weekend,  to gorge on the solid chocolate Easter Bunny. 
Let the jelly bellies roll
and not overtake the spiral Ham, a stout fellow who did not receive a pardon from the president.
Let us bow our heads, to the Lady Godiva chocolate raspberry bar at Macys and pray that the weather be sunny and warm but not too warm lest the peanut butter and chocolate eggs melt inside our Spring designer handbags.
Let us run not walk over the Mid-Hudson Bridge to Poughkeepsie to catch the latest sale at TJMax because their Fashionista bathing suits come in eye catching tummy control.
AND because shopping in this family is not a trial, it is a weekly event and available on easy pay from QVC.
So pack your wet naps and save your coupons because the sale isn't over until after the Fit lady sings, Jesus comes back, OR whatever! Get a clue, people!
Ready girls, can I get an Amen and a bunny hop across the floor from the hungry eaters who have already inhaled two bags of chips and salsa and slurped down ALL the Skinny Margarita’s?
It is official New York, the diet is off ….and just two more 30% off shopping days at Kohl’s. 
Happy Easter Everybody! Let the feasting begin!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tiki Cartouche

Tiki Cartouche

a distant cousin, way far removed of Katya’s,
had friends
important gods from the realm of tikidom.
He was not someone to mess with
Tiki Cartouche was a fishing GOD!
Suzy Pacu from South America knew
even the Japanese koi twins, Hiroshi and Sachi
banked left
when they saw his face
above the water peering down at them
pondering today’s method for their demise.
They shit little fish pellets
when they escaped
bubbling over a Guinness
with friends on Fishbrook
and when Sachi
Fishtagrammed a pic of that massively ugly face
peering down into their living room
it horrified them even more.
Astounding what with progress and all
they were still being terrorized
by that wooden man wearing shell earrings, with shells for eyes.
Lucy the catfish had looked once, had reported of
the hulking shadow, had heard the loud drone beyond and
sitting atop his shoulders numerous white angelic creatures with wings
Lucy was smart; she had called them cattle egrets, which had mystified them all, they were certainly outnumbered. it was bad enough they had to watch for Sadie the
fish hawk, who oft times dropped her prey onto the muddy banks. Sadie had cannibalized poor Archie in front of all of them. Archie had been in denial about his weight problem.
Better to be safe Lucy had said
and whatever you do
don’t stare into Tiki’s eyes or he will pluck them out and shell you.
OMG, what is shell! they gasped among themselves, for no-one wanted to admit they didn't know,
as they swished about the pond panic stricken, burying themselves inches below the mud.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chronic Discontent

I spot it by the mailbox
wearing a gray terrycloth robe and a pair of black Isotoner leopard slippers
entertaining the messy neighbor
with predictions of bear sightings and blood engorged ticks
brought on by a mutual repulsion for yard work.
Later it disguises itself
as a local journalist
gasping about disharmony
throughout the Mid-Hudson valley
allergic to crowds and absent at the town street festival
it prefers to drive home alone
belittle the spouse
complain of indigestion
and then eat
a hunk of Swiss cheese
and leftover asparagus

that the army ants have snubbed.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Muse

It is December
And the days flicker by
in reel time
As the pencil thin
weathered grays
traced in white
maternal pause
shielding the palette of young
green, purple, red, orange, and yellow,  
snuggled under leafy blankets
dreaming of Hawaii
and a resurgence
beyond the icy blast.

©12-4-13 Cornelia DeDona

Monday, October 14, 2013

Treading Water

I am in awe
most of the people I meet at readings
must’ve known Jesus,
walked down those same streets
carried his cross
up to Golgotha
because their words have power
their speech is charismatic
 perhaps one of the apostles
recruited them to pen their book in Acts
they couldn’t possibly be from the mean streets
of Gotham
couldn’t know the Batman
or have visited Wayne manor in their Rolls Royce
I am humbled at the mastery of syntax
the quiet juxtaposition
As they deign to glance in your direction
ethereal in their gray
horn rimmed specs
stained teeth
so hard core
and so frighteningly real.

©10-14-13 Cornelia DeDona

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